are meeting at the Kalamazoo Rod and Gun Club
7533 N Sprinkle Rd, Kalamazoo, MI
If you are coming from U.S. 131, take the D
Ave exit east.
D-Ave will make a sweeping curve
to the south where it becomes Sprinkle Road.
The Rod and Gun Club is on the west
side of the road.
Welcome to the Southwest Michigan Seek &
Search Club. We are a club of treasure
with the main focus of metal
detecting. We meet the third Tuesday each
month at
the (SEE ABOVE) At our meetings we
enjoy fellowship
with fellow treasure hunters, we have find
of the month contests, a snack time, many
give away items, and more!
A few
times a year we have club hunts at different
locations. Sometimes we are called on by law
enforcement to do an evidence searches. We
have other activities as well. We are one of
largest metal detecting clubs in the US. You
don't have to be a member to come to a club
Hope to see you at a meeting soon.